A List of Windows Servers to Connect To, and Software on Each
General Windows Application Servers:
- winapp3.biostat.wisc.edu
- winapp4.biostat.wisc.edu
Statistical Applications Servers:
- winstat.biostat.wisc.edu – server is being rebuild Early August 2021
- winstat1.biostat.wisc.edu
How to connect summary with links to detailed instructions
For Linux SL 7.7:
xfreerdp /size:1600x1000 /d:bcg /u:username /v:winapp4.biostat.wisc.edu
Password: your-biostat-password
For MacOS:
MacOS should use the Microsoft Remote Desktop client application to connect. Connecting from macOS
For Windows:
Windows users can use the Remote Desktop Connection client.
Start menu —–> All Programs —–> Accessories —–> Remote Desktop Connection. In the computer box type in server name then click “connect” button.
*If you are having trouble authenticating to a particular server try prefixing your username with “bcg\”. For example “bcg\rose”. This will make sure you are logging into the “BCG” domain rather than into the local server.
*If you are not on a Biostat network (144.92.73, 128.104.134 or 128.104.206) then you need to run the GlobalProtect VPN client in order to connect to these servers. For some collaborators in other departments who for some reason can’t run GlobalProtect, we can add their static IP number to the firewall rules so they can have access.
Applications Available
winapp3 and winapp4
Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Outlook, Excel, Powerpoint, Onenote, Access and Publisher)
Adobe Acrobat DC (PDF Documents)
Adobe Photoshop2020
Adobe Illustrator 2020
PASS 2019
MikTex 2.9
Stat Transfer 14
Internet Explorer
winstat (Statistical applications server)
SAS 9.4MU6
Pass 2019
Mplus Editor 8.4
StataSE 16
R 4.0.0
R 3.6.2
RStudio 1.3.959
Mplus 8 Editor
OpenBUGS 3.2.3
GPower 3.1
Axiom Analysis Suite
MikTex 2.9
TextPad 7
Google Chrome
Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Publisher, OneNote, InfoPath, Outlook, SharePoint Workspace)
Adobe Acrobat Pro
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Secure CRT
Secure FX